Noble is eating it!
Wow I really Miss you guys!! I loved your letter! I've got some CRAZY stuff to tell you!!!!
SO #1 I GOT TO SAY THANK YOU TO: Chris, Cindy, and Tricia Brown and the Watts family and Sister Remington and Grandma and Grandpa Rice for all sending me mail! You guys really made my week! Thanks for everything!
#2 We had a miracle happen. Grandma and Grandpa sent me $20 in the mail...AND IT ACTUALLY GOT TO ME!!! This is a miracle to me and the Cauayan MIssion because the postal service is Notorious for stolen mail/money/whatever in the mail. I actually received a message from the postal service apoligizing for my mail being opened and such. I look in side with despair as I see the top half corner ripped open. I think to myself, "there goes the money that would've been in there." but to my surprize the $20 bill was still safely wrapped in the piece of paper in there! Now Grandma, I don't want you sending me anymore money through the mail I don't want your money stolen now! If she reads that great but anyone who reads this and knows my Grandma PLEASE remind her that this was a MIRACLE and don't let her send me anymore money! Now about the $20, should I use it to buy a new suitcase? I think I can get a pretty sweet suitcase for a good price here with that money. If you all have a better idea please tell me. That and I think I'll give my camera to Elder Oyardo when I leave...IF I leave San Mariano. Speaking of San Mariano. We talked with the CRAZY Land lady and got her to sign an agreement to use the bills we haven't been paying her to buy and install a new Water Pump at our house with a gadget that will shut it off if it is about to overheat. SOOOO I may see a weeks worth of running water the 7 months I think I've been here. I don't understand Philippino logic sometimes!
Anyway we also had a funny thing happen in the District. Elder Lundy (The big guy in the 1st picture I emailed. He's wearing an ambulance man hat on my right!) He got two packages from his family. 1 package had only one shoe in it! This puzzled us all except Elder Lundy. This was all a strategy of his Mother! She sent one shoe at a time so that no one would steal them! She’s one smart cookie! We all got a kick out of it! The 2nd pic is of the hose going through our wall and into the empty garbage can for our "Running Water"! You are gonna get some Balut pics and some pics of our beautiful area!
Okay so during our Zone Conference we had a learning activity where we worked as a team to rescue an injured person. He was down stairs and we had to hall them up the stairs as a team back to our room. I was a Doctor who went with the 2nd search party to find the body of the injured Elder and my medics helped me carry him back up the stairs. Cool game and taught us about team work!
I also had an epiphany. (Can't spell that word had to use spell check!) When a missioary goes on his mission there is sometimes the assumption that the mission is trying to take "the missionary out of the world" but what I have realized is that if served right what really happens in serving a mission, "takes the world out of the missionary." If you serve right and follow the rules the little things like playing loud Babylonian music or playing internet games. The temptations to do those things begin to melt away and your thoughts and desires become one with the Saviors and you can keep your mind in the mission more easily. Now that doesn't mean that I will hate video games when I get back. It just means I am learning to master myself more! Which is a pleasant discovery! I just wanted to share that with you guys.
Now for all of you and your special needs:
Dear Mother of mine who brought me into this world,
How are you!!!! Sometimes your letters are so unselfish I don't get to hear about my Nanay! Tell me about what you are up to! So here are some names you can pray for.
The Bernes Family needs help. Tatay has a drinking/smoking problem and hasn't come to church yet but his wife and son did. Even though they have been affiliated with another church here that hates our church! Pray that Tatay will get the Strength he needs to face the rough road to recovery.
Ramil Maramag needs your prayers also. He’s got a Baptismal Date for Feb 25 and needs a stronger testimony in the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith. He doesn't know much but he knows what we teach him is true and he's willing to do what he has to to get the same happiness the members have!
Pray for the Malvar family also. Nanay just came back to church for the 1st time in like 6 months! The members accepted her warmly and we are beginning to see the 1st fruits of our labors! She needs the strength to be an example to her family and to everyone in her neighborhood across the river. If she returns and becomes active again she will once again be a powerful ally and asset to the missionaries in San Mariano! Finally we are gaining some ground.
They printed out all the members’ names for us and there is an estimated 600 Less Active Members in my area. We have a stack of papers with all the names at our apartment and we take 5 names with us everytime we go out to work so we can contact these people! AHHHHHH! We will get them and hunt them down, until the Lord comes and says "Well done my good and faithful servant.....Elder Hamblin!" Haha! :) So pray for them. Pray for us and pray that we can get water soon! WHOOOO! The plan is in motion and if all goes well I will get water in that apartment! YA! Things are looking good! Please tell Kolton he has to make me some Mexican food to make up for that picture he sent me! I love him and I love you Mom. Make sure Shay doesn't put a sock on Low Riders head! I love ya all! Elder Hamblin
Dear Devree,
Your movie was TARZAN! I miss that one. It’s a classic! Well here’s my movie line:
"OHhhhhh the bog of Eternal Stench!"
"Jump magic jump" note this actor is wearing WAY to small of pants!
Sorry that’s all I got I hope it’s enough! This is HARD! I'm gonna hit my year mark and run out of movies to quote!
Hey how’s the STAFF infection doing? I hope by the time you email me again its finally going away. I wish I had some real hardcore Antibiotic to kill this cough I've had! I am taking Amoxicilin right now to kill it! I hope it works! Anyways how is it going with school and all!? I will pray to help you guys decide what is the right course of action! I love you and I know that if we are faithful the Lord will give you an answer and a way to get what needs to be done DONE! I love you and I love all that you do as my most Favorites sister! Be good to the Brothers and DON"T DESTROY SHAY! He loves you. He just shows it in a different way! Love Elder Hamblin
Dear Shay,
I'm sending a letter to Steven Watts and in it .....................well...... you'll see! I love you bro and your right I would probably be trying to help you scare Dane if I was home! I like what you said about me being the "PEACE BEACON" I think of a big light like the one they use for the Bat Signal and whenever it shines, peace shines all over the place! Hey you should probably practice the trumpet if you want to get good at it! As a wise musician once told me, "respect the instrument and it will respect you!" Give your trumpet a little TLC (Tender Love and Care). Maybe giving it a proper bath would be a good idea! Then PRACTICE! Find out how to make practicing fun again! Get creative! I love you and I miss your sense of humor! Take care, LOVE YA, Elder Hamblin
Dear Dane,
SO, you smarty pants you! How did you get so good at math?!! You definitely didn't get it from me! Must of got it from Mom. I don't know! Anyway it is good to hear that you are doing great in school! Keep it up! Maybe you can help me with my Math when I go to College! HA! :) I love ya Dane stay safe, cool and in school! Love Big Bro, Elder Hamblin
Dear Dad,
Your translation was pretty good! The things like, Araw-araw which means Every Day would probably be best translated Twin Araw which is a more litteral translation but you get the idea! The Tinelas means flipflops or at least that’s how I seem to hear it be used. I think the direct translation is slipper. and Pasencha is kinda like "Patience with me!" they use it like sorry or my bad! But overall you are doing a great job Tatay. If I talk really slow and use English we might be able to talk in Tagalog when I get home!
Your magic box looks like the bomb! Can't wait to try it out! I really want to use that thing for the TV show marathons! I love seeing Hi tech stuff!
It’s good to hear that Preston is making some progress and that you too are seeing the fruits of your labors. Your prayers have been answered with the water problems! Hopefully the installation will begin next week. I am most likely going to be transferred though!
Right now I am "tipping the scales" when it comes to less actives. I want them to have every opportunity to get to know the members and to feel the Spirit and to come to church on Sunday Which may mean me and Elder Oyardo helping spread fertilizer in the near future! Anyways things should be good and things are good with me and Elder Oyardo. He is amazing at Table Tennis and I have learned a thing or two from him! He is going to make a fantastic missionary and he probably thinks I’m pasaway for spending way too much time at the computer shop emailing my family! Anyhoo I will talk to all ya all next Monday and I love and pray for you all to stay strong in the gospel and hold down the fort while I'm gone! Be good and show the world how it’s done! I love you and keep the Ward Strong. Ask for a less actives list if it’s alright and go visit a few in Dayton. I know that there is a joy beyond description when you see that less active family walk in through the door. I want you all to feel that same joy! Love ya Elder Hamblin
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